Thursday, April 7, 2011

Non Soap Local Rant

MamaV lives in Schenectady, NY in a nice little house with her happy little family. When she moved to Schenectady (10years ago), the house cost less than $100,000 (significantly less). Somehow, with no improvements, the house is now magically worth $119,000. Her taxes now account for half of her mortgage payment and MamaV is not amused.

So to the government of Schenectady: Fix this. We have 60,000 people living in the city. If only 2,000 pay taxes, that's a problem. Screw the Metroplex and their "Payments in Lieu of Taxes". The homeowners need some help. Or we will sell our houses to the lowest bidder and go elsewhere. Out of Schenectady and probably out of New York State.

Our school system is a joke and driving around on any weekday (when school is in session) shows how seriously school officials take truancy.

Our roads are crumbling. Stop paving half blocks. Would I like a new sidewalk? Sure thing! But you can't afford it. Pave the roads and pave them correctly (I can see the trolley rails that were buried along Eastern. Why are they still there?).

My name is MamaV and I am a tired tax payer.

1 comment:

LK said...

My mother had the same issue, however HER assessment DOUBLED when they did the reassessments. DOUBLED. There's no way she would be able to sell that house for what they claimed it was worth.

She hired a lawyer and "fought city hall" and WON! Her assessment went from the city's original, hiked up value of $114k down to $75k, a much more reasonable assessment.

Of course, she's "underwater" in her mortgage, which is a whole other story, since she paid more than $75k for the house, but the fact remains that it IS possible to fight city hall and win. Come 2012, she'll be paying a much fairer tax.

Don't give up... Honest! I can't remember the lawyer's full name, but I think her first name was Cathy. She's in Latham, near Rt. 7 or so. FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!

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