Friday, April 18, 2008

Happy News

Little William is recovering. Thank you.

MamaV wants pictures on her blog. She's not sure what pictures she wants. She just wants pictures.

So this post is a picture test. I'm sure we'll look back at this post years from now and just roll our eyes.

This is the V Family cat. She's pretty but not very bright. In this picture, she was trying to get us to open the gate so she could leave the yard.

This is a picture of MamaV's craft fair setup. We hope it inspires Mama to get off her tushie and send in some applications today!

That was fun! Excuse us while we try to harass Mama into creating a picture tutorial of something...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Positive Vibes for William

Today is William's surgery. 8:30 AM in Gainesville, FL. He's 3. Please send positive healing vibes his way.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Exciting Times!

Mama is happy again. Yes, her bath bombs must not be discussed. We all have that rule down pat...but then she had an idea. Not one of her scary ideas. One of her logical, non-explosive ideas.

Mama took the beautifully scented and colored bath bomb powder and matched it to bath salts.


Also, Mama's new light box should be here tomorrow. So RIP ghetto light box. You served Mama well but it's time to make way for professionalism. See, up until now, Mama has been using a beer box, spray painted white, covered in PapaV's old wife beater undershirts. It worked very well with the old camera but the new camera just couldn't handle ghetto light box.

Mama also wants to share a recipe with everyone. It's made using common ingredients that can be found around Schenectady.

MamaV's Cocoa Butter Lip Balm

* Queen Helene 100% Cocoa Butter 1 oz stick (found in Rite Aid near the other Queen Helene items but on the bottom shelf)
* 2 TBSP Coconut Oil (WalMart - in the salad oil row near the lard OR virgin coconut oil from the health food section at Hannaford. Price Chopper does not carry it.)

* Fill a large heavy bottomed pot with around 2 inches of water
* Place Cocoa Butter stick (can grate first for faster melting) and Coconut Oil in a Pyrex Measuring cup.
* Set measuring cup into the pot of water - do not get any water into the measuring cup
* Simmer water until everything melts
* Pour into mold of choice (the ice cube trays that make sticks of ice work really nicely!)
* Allow to cool

This recipe is really forgiving. It's also a great starting point for dabbling in lip balm!

MamaV says "Enjoy!"

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bombed Bombs

Bath Bomb Poetry

Mama handles bath bomb
Bath bomb crumbles
Mama cries
Citric activates
Mama cleans mess

But it smelled awesome! Lavender Vanilla. Mama has promised to return to her small batches.

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