Friday, February 13, 2009

MamaV Downer

MamaV tried to update yesterday, but doesn't quite grasp that it's not a dictation machine. Bless her heart.

The stroke rollercoaster was holding steady for a few days there. Not too hopeful, but not the despair of last week. It's dipping a little. Mama's Daddy (Bob) was gearing up to have his breathing tube removed so he could do all that work on his own. Then someone realized he kind of needed to keep the tube until a feeding tube could be surgically inserted. Duh. So it's been 2 days of limbo. But the added work that comes with breathing has meant the lucid moments are fewer and farther between. Maybe Bob just can't get the hang of Thursday. Mama had that issue for a while. Is that sort of thing genetic?

MamaV really appreciates the calls, cards, and kind words. She may choke up and make some strangled sounds, but she's really saying "Thank you".

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

MamaV is on a break

Since the Mabee Farm festival, MamaV also did a WONDERFUL show with It was well run, well attended, and just a lot of fun. Mama has pictures somewhere, but we can't find them.

Right now, MamaV is dealing with a family issue. Mama's Daddy had a stroke. Mama is an only child (can you really blame them for not wanting more?). It's a roller coaster and not in the good vomit when it's over way.

Us elves are busy cleaning the soap shelves and ordering new supplies while she's distracted. If you see a bleary eyed woman driving a purple box around Schenectady, please just pull over and let her pass.

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