Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Please read quietly - Mama is resting

Bob decided to get back to death. He's again exhibiting "Medically Appropriate Symptoms" so can stay in the hospital for little longer.

If we may: The state of death and dying in NY is abhorrent. People die. It's a painful process for all involved. Why are there no local free standing hospice facilities? Rumors bound that they exist in he Western part of the state, but here in the Capital Region of NY, there is NOTHING.

So the Bob status. He's medicated heavily. He was seeing people that weren't there and pulling out his own hair. In a more comical moment, he "told off" the nurse that taped down his feeding tube (he had tried to pull it out). He can't speak, but his eyes cleared, his face became cross, and he made a very definite motion with his hand to say "Stop".

Moments like that kill MamaV's soul just a little.

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