Friday, August 1, 2008

Liquid Soap Paste

Oh, oh, oh, oh, OH!! MamaV is happy dancing around the room! Why? Well, remember a couple of days ago? We mentioned that MamaV had made liquid soap. Mama confided her terrifying nightmare - in her dream, she opened the cooler (after fighting off zombies), lifted out the crock pot, and still had oil.

She awoke screaming. OK, not screaming. But she gasped really, really hard.

So today, MamaV screwed up her courage and approached the soap cooler.

No zombies in sight. *phew* She opened the cooler, lifted out the crock, and...

Paste, glorious PASTE!! Sooo smooth! Such a screamingly sweet translucent color! Oh the rapture! MamaV now has 5 16 ounce baggies of paste languishing in the soap fridge (and one 14 ouncer - so cute, The Runt!).

Oh happy day!

Later, Mama may allow us to see the coffee bars. They smell heavenly.

1 comment:

Jenney said...

I lurve you, Mama :) And I love your blog, so I've nominated you for a little blog-love award. Details on my blog :)

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